NextGen EPC Cluster

The Next Generation Energy Performance Certificates cluster of sister projects funded by the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe research and innovation programmes gathers 13 projects that started their activities in 4 successive generations:
• 2019: QualDeEPC, U-CERT & X-tendo
• 2021: crossCert, EUB Super Hub, iBRoad2EPC, TIMEPAC
• 2022: CHRONICLE, SmartLivingEPC
The main mantra of the Next Gen EPC cluster is going farther together as opposed to going fast alone for allowing an open co-creation process maximizing quality, relevance, utility and effectiveness while avoiding reinventing the wheel and ensure a coordinated and convergent approach. This approach empowers decision makers at both EU and Member State levels and the overall EPBD related stakeholder community to swiftly leverage the emerging results of this family of projects for the continuous EPBD transposition, implementation and monitoring process and the way the package of policy instruments are meaningfully weaved together.



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X-tendo and its toolbox introduce ten features of the next generation of energy performance certificates, to provide public authorities with improved compliance, reliability, usability and convergence of next-generation energy performance assessment and certification. X-tendo will develop and test next-generation EPC features in 9 countries around Europe covering 40% of the EU building stock, and assist the implementation of the features into the existing EPC schemes.



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D^2EPC aims to set the grounds for the next generation of dynamic Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) for buildings. The proposed framework sets its foundations on the smart-readiness level of the buildings and the corresponding data collection infrastructure and management systems. It is fed by operational data and adopts the ‘digital twin’ concept to advance Building Information Modelling, calculate a novel set of energy, environmental, financial and human comfort/ wellbeing indicators, and through them the EPC classification of the building in question.



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The project aims to increase the quality and cross-EU convergence of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) schemes and enhancing the link between EPCs and deep renovation. QualDeEPC will work on EU-wide convergence of the building assessment and the issuance, design, and use of quality-enhanced EPCs as well as their recommendations for building renovation. The aim is to make these recommendations coherent with deep energy renovation towards a nearly-zero energy building stock by 2050.



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The project has the main aim to introduce a next generation of user-centered Energy Performance Assessment and Certification Scheme to value buildings in a holistic and cost-effective manner. U-CERT has a focus on strengthening actual implementation of the EPBD by providing and applying insights from a user perspective and creating a level playing field for sharing implementation experience to all involved stakeholders, facilitated and empowered by the EPB Center.



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EDYCE (Energy flexible DYnamic building CErtification) is the natural evolution of the conventional Energy Performance Certification into real time optimization of building performance and comfort, by capturing the building’s dynamic behaviour, and at the same time providing transparent feedback, through an intuitive interface. E-DYCE will drastically increase the reliability of the energy performance assessment process. It will support communication between labelling professionals and building owners, to cultivate benefits in both indoor climate and energy savings.



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The objective of the ePANACEA project is to develop a holistic methodology for energy performance assessment and certification of buildings that can overcome the challenges such as lack of accuracy, a gap between theoretical and real consumption patterns, absence of proper protocols for inclusion of smart and novel technologies, little convergence across EU schemes, lack of trust in the market and very little user awareness related to energy efficiency. The vision is ePANACEA becoming a relevant instrument in the European energy transition through the building sector.



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EPC RECAST H2020 project sets a well-structured process and a toolbox
supporting the development, implementation, and validation of a new generation of Energy Performance Assessment and Certification, with a deliberate focus on residential buildings, more specifically existing ones, for which retrofit is one of the most challenging and pressing issue. By enhancing EPCs usability, reliability, and comparability, and by linking them to renovation roadmaps and building digital notebooks, EPC RECAST can achieve unprecedented user-friendliness and user awareness of building performance.



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The project is based on knowledge exchange between European stakeholders on existing and new EPCs in the several Member States. This exchange includes extensive cross-certification between European countries and the establishment of an internet-based EPC Knowledge Exchange Centre. The partners recommend procedures and guidelines to ensure the quality and value of the new EPCs and that they meet the new EU requirements.


EUB SuperHub

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Energy performance assessments and building certifications need to evolve to reflect the technological developments and the needs of society and they must be consistent across the Member States. The EUB SuperHub project will support the creation of a harmonised certification process in the EU by developing a scalable methodology to view, assess and monitor the buildings throughout their life cycle.



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iBRoad is aimed at exploring, designing, developing and demonstrating the concept of individual Building Renovation Roadmaps. Representing an evolution of the Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) and energy audit systems, building renovation roadmaps will serve as a tool outlining a customised renovation plan with a long-term horizon for the deep step-by-step renovation of individual buildings, combined with a repository of building-related information.



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TIMEPAC project will improve the current energy performance certification (EPC) system by transitioning from a single, static certification to one that is more holistic and dynamic. This new approach considers buildings as dynamic entities that never stop changing. TIMEPAC will combine EPC databases with other data sources to make certification more effective and reliable.



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CHRONICLE will deliver a holistic, life-cycle performance assessment framework and tool-suite supporting sustainable building design, construction and/or efficient renovation and investment decision making. It will integrate with EPCs, Level(s) and SRI under the umbrella of the Digital Building Logbook concept. Performance will be assessed through static (by design) and dynamic (sensor measurements) KPIs tailored to building types and life-cycle.